Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter – G3 – 60 Watt UVC – 8,200 Gallon Ponds – FREE SHIPPING


For ponds up to 8,200 gallons. The updated Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter is a compact all-in-one pond filtration system with the fastest and most convenient cleaning mechanism on the market.


I am very pleased with the OASE Filtoclear system you recommended for my pond. The pond has never been clearer and the fish seem happier (all 19 of them). I just want to say thanks and let you know you have a very happy customer.
Tyrone, Baton Rouge, LA

Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter – G3 – 60 Watt UVC (91671)

New generation of your favorite pressure filter, redesigned with you in mind. The updated Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter is a compact all-in-one pond filtration system with the fastest and most convenient cleaning mechanism on the market. The Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter includes a built-in 60 Watt UV Clarifier with bypass for optimal efficiency at low power usage. The built-in patented Easy-Clean mechanism makes filter maintenance possible in a matter of minutes. The Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter can be installed unobtrusively by burying most of the body below ground.


Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter G3 91671 - Diagram


Algae and dirt are clumped together by the integrated UV Clarifier. The treated water then flows through the filter unit’s fine mechanical and coarse biological filter elements which support the filtration process and clarify the water. The water then flows back into the pond, either via a waterfall or a water feature.

Cleaning the Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter couldn’t be easier. No need to remove the filter lid and deal with the mess.

For best results, pair the Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter with the Oase AquaMax Eco Classic 3600 or Oase AquaMax Eco Premium 4500 Filter Pump.

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PondUSA.com is an Oase Authorized Web Retailer


Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter - Typical Installation shown with Oase Eco Premium Filter Pump
Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter – Typical Installation shown with Oase Eco Premium Filter Pump

Key Features

  • In-line pressure filters offer biological and mechanical filtration that can be located remotely
  • Pressurized design allows filtered water to be pumped to a higher level, then back into the pond
  • The Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter provides mechanical and biological filtration with ultraviolet clarification (UVC)
  • Integrated 60 Watt Oase UV Clarifier keeps water clear
  • Compact, high-capacity filter is perfect for fountain, formal spillway, pond-free and water garden applications
  • The high quality, impact resistant body can be buried to the clamping ring for easy concealment
  • 3 densities of replaceable filter foams, new plates and extra supports improve cleaning function and ensure long service life
  • Patented UVC cleaning rotor keeps quartz glass clean for better transmission of UV light
  • 2-way Valve backflushes filter and directs waste with Easy-Clean Technology, no need to open filter or remove the cover
  • Monitor UVC, filter performance and pollutant level and change UV lamp all without opening filter
  • Newly developed bypass technology ensures constant water flow and prevents the filter from becoming clogged
  • Convenient inlet/outlet step-down hose adapters accommodate 1-1/2″ and 2″ tubing
  • The Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter is designed for use with pumps with maximum head pressure of 17′ or less
  • For best results, pair the Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter with the Oase AquaMax Eco Classic 3600 or Oase AquaMax Eco Premium 4500 Filter Pump

Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter G3 - Clamp Ring

Metal Clamping Ring
Improved closure mechanism with new metal
clamping ring and simple lever function.

Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter G3 - Handle

New UVC Housing
High-quality UVC housing protects the ballast
from sunlight and moisture. UVC power has increased on all new models.

Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter G3 - Cleaning 3

2-Way Valve
2-way Valve makes for easy and quick
cleaning. Simply turn the valve a quarter turn to start cleaning.

Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter G3 - Quartz Sleeve Removal

Easy to Replace UVC Bulb
The UVC bulb can be replaced during
operation, no need to switch off the filter or remove the quartz glass sleeve.

Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter G3 - Foam Filters

Optimized Cleaning Mechanism
Improved filter sponges, handle and sponge
supports help to make cleaning more effective.

Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter G3 - Cleaning 2

2-Way Valve
2-way Valve makes for easy and quick
cleaning. Simply turn the valve a quarter turn to start cleaning.

Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter G3 - Cleaning

Optimized Cleaning Mechanism
Improved filter sponges, handle and sponge
supports help to make cleaning more effective.

Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter G3 - Quartz Sleeve

Optimized Cleaning Mechanism
Improved filter sponges, handle and sponge
supports help to make cleaning more effective.

Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter G3 - with FiltoCap (sold separately) 1

Easy to Disguise
Redesigned FiltoCap (sold separately) in Stone Grey color
perfectly camouflagues all three FiltoClears in the landscape.


  • 2-year manufacturer’s limited warranty


  • The Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter is not approved for use in swimming pools or salt water
  • DO NOT USE pressurized pond filters in combination with high-pressure waterfall pumps
  • Designed for use with pumps with maximum head pressure of 17′ or less
  • For best results, pair the Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter with the Oase AquaMax Eco Classic 3600 or Oase AquaMax Eco Premium 4500 Filter Pump
  • To ensure maximum circulation through the filter, it is best to keep the hose short and the pumping height to a minimum, especially on the discharge side of the filter
  • Maximum recommended height difference between filter lid and water outlet is 6′
  • UVC MUST be plugged in to a properly grounded and GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) protected 120 Volt outlet !
  • For safety reasons, the Oase FiltoClear 8200 Pressure Filter should be placed at least 6.5′ from the edge of the pond


Oase Part Number 91671
Maximum Pond Sizes * 8,200 gallons (light fish load)
4,100 gallons (medium fish load)
2,050 gallons (heavy fish load)
Maximum Flow Rate 4,500 GPH
Maximum Pressure 2.9 PSI / 7 ft. of head
Maximum Pump Input Pressure 7.25 PSI / 17 ft. of head
UV Clarifier 60 W
Inlet step-down hose adapter
fits 1-1/2″ & 2″ kink-free tubing
Schedule 40 adapter
Outlet step-down hose adapter
fits 1-1/2″ & 2″ kink-free tubing
Schedule 40 adapter
UVC Power Cord Length 16 ft.
Voltage 120 V / 60 Hz.
Filter Dimensions 15″ Dia. x 28-3/4″ H

* All figures are based on the following assumptions: Minimum pond depth of 18 inches. Maximum flow rate shown above is circulated through the filter. Filter is operated continuously.
Pond size recommendations are approximate and are only given for general guidance. All performance data were obtained under controlled conditions. Real-world performance may vary due to local circumstances.


Accessory Products

Oase FiltoCap 91645

Oase FiltoCap (91645)

The Oase FiltoCap is a decorative rock cover which acts to enhance the natural beauty of any yard or landscape design. This artificial rock cover serves multiple purposes and is designed to conceal the top of the Oase FiltoClear Generation 3 Pond Filters. Finished in stone grey. Natural colors, shades and textures ensure a realistic appearance. It’s weather resistant and easy to use. The FiltoCap requires no maintenance and is easy to install.

Measures 23″ L x 23″ W x 13″ H