Oase Fan Jet Fountain Nozzles

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Oase Fan Jet Fountain Nozzles

Oase Fan Jet Fountain Nozzles
Oase Fan Jet Fountain Nozzles

The water veil generated by these nozzles not only has a mesmerizing beauty, but it is also extremely practical: It is particularly well suited to conceal exposed technology.

Depending on the installation the fan nozzles generate either a vertically ascending water veil, or a diagonally spouting water veil of 1/4″ to 3/8″ in thickness. Thanks to its large surface distribution, the attractive water pattern can conceal a foundation base, or exposed pipe and
pump equipment from the eyes of observers.

The nozzles work independently of the water level and require a flow regulator supplied by the contractor to regulate the water pattern.

PondUSA.com is an Oase Authorized Web Retailer
PondUSA.com is an Oase Authorized Web Retailer


Oase Fan Jet Fountain Nozzles - Specifications
Oase Fan Jet Fountain Nozzles – Specifications